MOH exam online practice test provides you with ample practice material for MOH exam preparation, which adheres to the real pharmacy exam format. Each MOH exam practice test has 10 questions. After completing click on to the COMPLETE TEST to know the score and the correct answers of the free MOH exam Online Practice Test.
1. |
"Body stores the drugs in the form of " .
2. |
Pharmaceutical equivalent means .
3. |
Enkephalins are naturally occurring peptides that .
4. |
Beta-endorphin and enkephalins are .
5. |
CD4 cells are also known as .
6. |
CD4 cells are ---------- blood cells that fight infection .
7. |
CD4 cells are the cells that the--------Virus kills .
8. |
Veracity means .
9. |
Severity of immunodeficiency in HIV Patients can be found from .
10. |
ESR Means .