MOH exam online practice test provides you with ample practice material for MOH exam preparation, which adheres to the real pharmacy exam format. Each MOH exam practice test has 10 questions. After completing click on to the COMPLETE TEST to know the score and the correct answers of the free MOH exam Online Practice Test.
1. |
Choose the one that cannot be used for inburns.
2. |
Which one acts long as an non-sedating anti-histamine.
3. |
Which one the following belong to the broad spectrum cephalosporin .
4. |
Choose the one without vasodilating effect.
5. |
What is the trade name of Pindolol.
6. |
Which is the trade name of Baclofen.
7. |
Which is the trade name of Omeprazole.
8. |
Which is the trade name of Sildenafil.
9. |
Which is the trade name of Acitretin.
10. |
Which is the trade name of Orlistat.